Ellen DeGeneres Hollywood Celebrity Homes
*Price: On sale for US$39.5 million*
Size: 10,500 sq ft
Location: Montecito, California Hill
Highlights: Overlooking the ocean and mountains, the hous...
My Blog List
Most Expensive Building - Antilia - $1 billion - Most Expensive Building - Antilia - $1 billion - Named after a mythical island, the only thing mythical about this building is its price. Owned by Indi...
AGE OF EMPIRES ONLINE - *AGE OF EMPIRES ONLINE* -- With over 20 million copies sold, this long-running strategy series has earned Microsoft respect, cred, and gobs of cash. Perhap...
MOCHA USON KISSING SCANDAL - FAKE OR REAL? Mocha admitted that she is a bisexual. Just the photo that is scandalous but not a big issue.
Senakulo - A Traditional Activity During Holy Week in the Philippines - Senakulo - A Traditional Activity During Holy Week in the Philippines
Gilmore stainless steel door knob - Make over doors and drawers instantly by changing up knobs and handles. Gilmore 1¼-inch knob and 4-inch pull, $10 each
The Leaning Tower of Pisa - *The Leaning Tower of Pisa* Less delicate folks might call this the Pile Driver, and while we've tried to attach a gentler eponym, this move is definitely...
Hands over my heart - *Hands over my heart* “Jenna puts her hand over my heart when she reaches orgasm before me. That little move fills me with love — and *triggers my own re...
Before giving the entire audience a weekender bag by Toss Designs - *The Oprah Winfrey Show - Behind the Scene:* Before giving the entire audience a weekender bag by Toss Designs, Oprah consults with a show producer and t...
Books That Made a Difference to Oprah Winfrey - Discover the Power Within You - *Books That Made a Difference to Oprah* For someone who describes herself as "inspired, challenged, and sustained" by books, it was almost impossible for...
Francois Rabelais - Oprah Winfrey's Secret Rose Garden - *Francois Rabelais - Oprah Winfrey's Secret Rose Garden* "A great Chinese red, and very feminine," Dan says. (oprah.com)
Oprah Winfrey at her Montecito California Tea House - *Oprah Winfrey at her Montecito California Tea House* Oprah sits on a sofa in her teahouse facing the view—not any view, but the view, the reason she bou...
Oprah Winfrey's Sta Barbara Guesthouse - Oprah Winfrey's Sta Barbara Guest House For the spacious, high-ceilinged living room, Andre Walker and David Simmons used glorious taffeta draperies and pl...
Oprah Winfrey's Private Library in her California Home - Oprah Winfrey's Private Library in her California Home Where does the woman who got America reading curl up with a good novel? Decorated with soft, celado...
Oprah Winfrey in her Private Library - Where does the woman who got America reading curl up with a good novel? Explore Oprah's book-filled haven where no one ever says, Shhhh *(oprah.com)*
Oprah Winfrey's Hawaiian Home (Maui, Hawaii) - Oprah's Hawaiian adventure began a couple of years ago when her personal trainer turned property manager, Bob Greene, planted the idea that she might buy ...
Hang Mioku: the korean plastic surgery addict who injected cooking oil into her own face - One of the most famous cases of awful plastic surgery gone wrong, Hang Mioku, a 48 year-old woman from South Korea, became so addicted to plastic surgery t...
7 Enchong Dee - *Ernest Lorenzo Velasquez-Dee* (born in Naga City, Camarines Sur, Philippines) known professionally as *Enchong Dee* is a Filipino Actor, model, and champi...
5 Ejay Falcon - *Ejay Lasap Falcon* (born November 21, 1989) is a Filipino-French model and actor who is currently a contract artist of ABS-CBN. He is also the *Big Winn...
18 Luis Manzano - *Luis Philippe Santos Manzano* (born April 21, 1980 in San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines), also known by his nickname *Lucky*, is a Filipino actor, TV ...
14 Phil Younghusband - *Philip James Placer "Phil" Younghusband* (born 4 August 1987) is an English-Filipino footballer who plays as a forward. He spent two years unattached betw...
21 Gerald Anderson - *Gerald Randolph Anderson, Jr.* (born March 7, 1989, in Subic Bay, Zambales Philippines) is a Filipino American Actor who was a former housemate on the f...
Dingdong Dantes 28 - *José Sixto Raphael González Dantes III*, popularly known as *Dingdong Dantes*, is a director/actor and model, born on August 2, 1980 in Quezon City, Phili...
Derek Ramsey Photo 11 - *Derek Arthur Ramsay* aka *DEREK RAMSAY* (born 7 December 1979 in England) is a British actor, television host and commercial model working in the Philip...
Angel Locsin Photo 36 - *Angel Locsin* (born *Angelica Colmenares* born on April 23, 1985 in Bulacan, Philippines) is a Filipina television and film actress and commercial model...
Regine Velasquez Photo 30 - *Regine Velasquez* (born *Regina Encarnacion Ansong Velasquez* on April 22, 1970) is a Filipina singer, actress, record producer and TV host. She won the ...
Kris Aquino Photo 30 - *Kristina Bernadette Cojuangco Aquino* (born February 14, 1971), commonly known as *Kris Aquino*, is a Filipino television and movie personality who gain...
Mom, i want to give her CPR.... - Mom, this is not a play, I want to give her CPR... she needs it to become alive.... wait, let me do it....
CHEATING ON EXAM 1 - Cheating on Exam Procedure number 1. Prepare the part or info that you need to help you cheat on the exam. study the teacher's pattern. This can be a formu...
Funniest Wedding Photo 22 - Two old couples with cyber necklace. A golden wedding moments i guess. This is cute. Funniest wedding photo shared by Yischon Liaw (Pennsylvania)
Bicycle Stunt on a Cliff - Extreme Photo - Bicycle Stunt on a Cliff - Extreme Photo. Deadliest Stunts. Can Accident Insurance still be given to this stuntmen? Risky stunts. Deadliest stunts. Extreme...
Beauty and the Beast with a TWIST? - This is funny, beauty and the beast will have a twist. Beauty is now the guy and the beast is now Bella. But is she really a beast of just a victim of wron...
Smiling Face of Michael Jackson - Another happy moments in the life of Michael Jackson. Beautiful smile, beautiful make up, great mood.
white sand at puerto princesa palawan - beautiful white sand beach resort at puerto princesa palawan. A perfect travel destination in Asia.
Plants and Grass - *For photos of stage backdrop at The Feast, please check this blog ---> **THE FEAST AT PICC, Pasay City, Philippines* Another refreshing decor. Palme...
LIST OF PHILIPPINE FASHION DESIGNERS - Here's the list of active Philippine Fashion Designers as of 2010, please inform the blogger if additional persons must be listed. Thanks so much! ALDRICH...
ARMANI - ARMANI *Giorgio Armani S.P.A.* is an international Italian fashion house that designs, manufactures, distributes, and retails haute couture, ready-to-wear...
FACTS ON PUERTO PRINCESA, PALAWAN - *Puerto Princesa City* (Filipino: *Lungsod ng Puerto Princesa*), the capital of Palawan, is a first class city in the Philippines. According to the 2007 ce...
► BEST OF BICOLANDIA TRAVEL - *I**F YOU* are planning to go somewhere this summer, *GO for BICOL.* Either you are coming in directly from abroad or from Manila, here are some tips to ...
► PINANGAT and LAING - FAMOUS BICOL TREATS PINANGAT and Laing (side by side)hit the spot- 2nd to the famous "Bicol Express". These two Bicol treats also became the talk of many B...
HOTELS IN LEGAZPI CITY - LIKE many other provinces around the Philippines, visiting tourists bound for this place can rest assured they will always find nice hotels to choose from ...
BANANAS - *BANANAS* *Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store.* *If** you leave them connected at the s**tem, **they **ri**pe**n fast**e* *r.* MORE...
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Miraculous Painting of the Holy Mother of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska - This is the Miraculous Painting of the Holy Mother of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. *The painting of the Holy Mother of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska cried with bloody te...
BEST OPTICAL ILLUSIONS in PHOTOS - CHECK THEM ALL - [image: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_U-AxaCiwuNg/TAKJvTnAoMI/AAAAAAAAARw/jyoLCmmxyhA/s400/rotating_ferry%27s+wheel+optical_illusion.jpg] [image: http://4.bp.b...
ETIQUETTE MISTAKES ??? - Politely placing the napkin on your lap and keeping your elbows off the table may be the etiquette essentials here in the good ol' USA but when it comes to...
White Tubular Fabric Decors - White tubular fabric decors (by Bobby)... A boracay lantern inspiration. A very clean patterns for a decor paired with balloons.
BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE ATTENDED THE PARTY - This was a gathering of beautiful people in this side of the planet. The guests were all dressed up so fabulously and their faces are simply gorgeous. An e...
ZEBRA - HAND PAINTED HAND ARTWORK - See it afar and be amazed with the details. looks so real. THis is a zebra hand painted hand artwork. Share this to all your friends.
Ascott Makati Serviced Residence Manila - Ascott Makati Serviced Residence Manila [image: Ascott The Residence] Ascott Makati Serviced Residence Manila [image: 5 Stars][image: 5 Stars][image: 5 Star...
The MAJOR ARCANA CARDS - TAROT CARD READING - *The Major Arcana Cards (22 cards) *These cards symbolise very powerful archetypes of spiritual states, people, virtues and circumstances *The Fool ...
TAROT CARD READING - *The Cards: *The tarot cards consist of 78 cards that are split into two main sections called the Major Arcana (containing 22 cards) and the Minor Arcana ...
ANILAO BATANGAS RESORTS PHILIPPINES - [image: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/160/435666046_20cd77e10b_b.jpg]
CALLA LILY WALL FLOWER ARRANGEMENT - [image: http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r134/jenlb78/blog/flowers.jpg]
ROMEO D. DOLAR, JR M.D. Clinical and Cosmetic Dermatology - ROMEO D. DOLAR, JR M.D. Clinical and Cosmetic Dermatology Philippine Association of Primary Skin Health Physicians Inc. (PAPSPHI) International Member: W...
GET FREE LOAD - CHECK OUR SPONSORS - [image: http://www.yugatech.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/red-mobile.jpg] FOR PREPAID MOBILE SIM USERS ONLY Lots of FREE LOADS will start this 200...
All the Great Party Themes from All Over the World - Find the Great Party Themes from all over the world. Browse around and find the things you need to be inspired in decorating parties from simple to chic to...
The Great Lover a poem by Rupert Brooke - I have been so great a lover: filled my days So proudly with the splendour of Love's praise, The pain, the calm, and the astonishment, Desire illimitable...
FATHER I by HILLSONG - Majesty. Wonderful. Holy Lord. Emmanuel Prince of peace. Righteous one. Sacrifice. Crowned as King. Chorus: Father I adore You I live each day for you Jesu...
THIS BLOG IS FOR YOUR IP ADDRESS INQUIRIES - On this page you'll see different FREE Gadgets to be used in tracking IP Address. Feel free to browse, explore and discover. New interactive gadgets and w...